Sailor Venus

Sailor Venus' profile
Name: Mina Aino
Japanese Name: Minako Aino
Age: 14
Birtahday/Star Sign: October 22/Libra
Hobbies: Playing Games, Volleyball
Favorite Food: Pasta
Favorite Subject: Gymnastics

Sailor Venus was the very first Sailor Scout to come along, long before Sailor Moon and the other Scouts. She was once fighting crime in England as Sailor V before returning to Tokyo to join up with the other four Scouts. Mina is a friendly, caring girl who loves children and playing games, as well as getting the Scouts out of tough predicaments. Mina also loves spending time with her cat Artemis, shopping and watching romantic movies. No wonder she dreams of becoming an "aidoru" (a teenage pop idol)

Sailor Venus' Transformations/Attacks
Venus Power/Star Power/Planet Power/Crystal Power: Transforms Mina into Sailor Venus
Crescent Beam Smash (Crescent Beam): A stream of light blinds and stuns Venus' enemies
Rolling Heart Vibration: A heart attack used mainly in the manga and the live action series
Venus Meteor Shower (Crescent Beam Shower): Sailor Venus emits a blinding meteor storm to vanquish her enemies. Used in Episode 46: "Kindergarten Chaos"
Love Chain Encircle (Love-Me Chain): Sailor Venus uses a heart-linked chain to ensnare her enemies
Wink Chain Sword: A sword powered by the Love-Me Chain. Used mainly in the manga
Venus Love and Beauty Shock: Sailor Venus blows a kiss, then launches a string of hearts at an enemy

Moon Palace